
HapDoc is a Python-based tool that automates the process of generating documentation for your projects. It supports Python and FastAPI project types and can generate Markdown files, HTML files, and JSON structures of your project's Markdown directory. This file provides /hapdoc/readme.

Get Started 🔥

To install the tool, you can use pip. Open up your terminal and run the following command:

pip install hapdoc

Usage 👨‍🔬

To generate documentation for your project using HapDoc, you will need to run the autodoc command. Here's an example of how to use it:

hapdoc gen path/to/project [--doctype py/fastapi] [-out docs]

This command generates Markdown files for a Python project in the output directory. You can also use the out flag to specify output directory. doctype flag specifies project type.

Supported Project Types 📄

hapDoc currently supports Python, JS and FastAPI project types. In the future, we plan to add support for Nim, Vue, and many other project types.

Command Line Interface 💻

Here's a list of available commands you can use with HapDoc:

  • gen: Generates Markdown files with documentation for project
  • build: Generates like gen and builds from it the HTML files.
  • md2json: Generates JSON file from directory of Markdown files.
  • project-types: Displays available project types.
  • serve: Starts server at host and port.
  • tmpl-list: List of saved templates.
  • tmpl-new: Create a new template.

What Next? 💡

We planned to add runnable examples that runs before generating documentation. It's maybe helpful for checking autotests.